Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The President Speaks

Akash Dayal
President, SOPHIA Club

It is sheer pleasure to welcome you all to our very own family in this new academic session where you are free to discuss, debate and dialogue with responsibility. I would like to quote from the holy Vedas that “The truth is one and the wise interpret it in many ways”. Philosophy is love for wisdom and wisdom is the next level of knowledge there is a thin silver lining between the two. In western Philosophy a general classification in the way of acquiring knowledge is proposed one is the Empiricist school and the other is the Rationalist school. Both have their own believes but the basic focus is on acquiring knowledge. It does not matter which you follow, coming back to Indian school what matters is the realisation of the ultimate truth. Philosophy in the modern days is dealing with not just only spiritual and religious aspect but some more aspects such as technology, science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of good life etc., have become the thrust area. As a very small part of this community I would just like to say that the metaphysical aspect should always be kept in mind as it is the foundation as well as the cream of philosophy, in simple words what is beyond physics is metaphysics but for going into metaphysics you need to start with physics just as a swimmer first you need to dive to reach the other bank of the river. I welcome you all to integrate your mind, body and soul and come along to the next level. We as a club in this new academic year we are going to do lots of activities with specially the new-comers as all of you are full of enthusiasm at the same time I would like to appeal to realise your own self which is the source of everything “अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि”, if you need to taste the sea it is impossible to drink the whole water the best way is to bring a cup from it and taste, same is with the cosmos and you. We will try to integrate with all the areas as much as possible such as society and justice, technology and science etc. May the divine mother bless all. Concluding my welcome note for this academic year I would like to quote Vivekananda by saying “Arise! Awake! And stop not until your goal is achieved.” We assure you to provide an intellectual platform cum hub and hope your collective efforts will bear sweet fruits.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Mentor On His Feet!

Dr. Anthony
Faculty Coordinator, SOPHIA

I take delight to welcome you to the new academic year 2016-17 and to the creative acts of philosophizing!

The organizers of the Sophia Club have planned numerous events and acts which are surely going to keep us on our feet all through the year!

Yes, I would look to underscore the word “feet” which may exemplify the thrust of our club, this year: it’s to learn to accept and live with each other in all diversity, with all our strengths and weaknesses.

Feet, as you know, help us to walk and assist in our life journey. But in our times of conflict and dissension, at various levels and arena,  we need to increasingly realize that our feet are not the only feet undertaking the journey and that they are meant for walking, preferably together and in coordination, and certainly not for kicking each other. 

Let’s not give ourselves easily into any propaganda and act of religious/cultural apartheid. We need bridges, not walls. Rather, we ourselves should become bridges!

May all that we endeavour this year, reflect this act of bridging, co-walking, and co-nurturing.