Friday, 26 February 2016

Diversity, Motherland and the holy case of Pseudo "Intellectual"

-Akash Dayal
President, SOPHIA Club

There is one thing which makes our country unique is the diversity and the beauty people live with each other calling them to be son and daughters of this great motherland, it is not just a country for us but a mother who nourishes us right from the time we are born and will do so till we live. Following the recent controversies in various parts of country, I was asked by my fellows about my opinion, I just replied sometimes children go on wrong track but still mother loves her in the same way, even care for them more no matter what her children are doing to her, but yes the other child who loves her mother we definitely try to make his brothers and sisters to be back on the right track again, and that is what happening. This is the best explanation I can give, till now I am not a politician to cash on the situation rather will I  would love to spread the message of peace and integration. I feel for the brothers who stand on the extreme points of the Nation to protect us from any threat, sacrifice there life for our happiness. Kautiyla a great philosopher once said "A teacher is not worth if she/he is not able to inculcate in students the feeling of national integration", so at a time where some politically motivated people are trying there best to disturb peace in our motherland the greatest responsibility is upon the people who bless us with knowledge. I truly believe that any activity against nation is to be highly condemned and examples should be set for the coming generation that these things will never be given any accommodation in the society, it is not even a matter of discussion or debate that whether national integrity important. As a son I will never be in a state to even see a scar on my mothers' body,. We just need to stop calling these people who have no idea of history and distort the same for individual gains "intellectuals", these people are just ignorant and by any means the need of the time is to educate them well. I am proud to say my motherland has seen centuries pass by and is still standing as she was and not even a single inch of her is debatable. I pray that the in the country of Gandhi, Bhagat, Azad, Bose, chidren after seeing the tricolour will get inspired each time and will stand strong to face any adverse situation. May peace prevail and may almighty Bless the most Blessed Motherland.

Vande Mataram  

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Dr. Anthony Savari Raj
Associate Professor of Philosophy &
Head, Department of Arts

Invited as we are to the banquet of life from different regions, religions, languages, genders, aspirations and even temperaments, it may be interesting and important to consider what it means to live and enjoy a life of diversity and harmony in our times. As we know, to exist is to co-exist, and a mutual acceptance of one another, guided by a sense of diversity and inclusion may be a meaningful way forward for all of us.

Let’s imagine ourselves in a garden. A garden with a variety of flowers is more enchanting than the garden with flowers of the same kind. If all the musical notes are going to be uniform and same, would there be any harmony?  Unity, therefore, need not be uniformity, and we feel more connected to each other not in spite of our differences, but because of our differences.

Now, global citizens as we are, let’s consider the global garden, in which all of us find ourselves at the moment.

One of the novelties of our times seems to the increasing meeting of people, cultures and world-views. Scholars tell us that we indeed live in a second mutation period. The first mutation period (6th century B.C) witnessed the birth and the blossoming of three important civilizations of the world: the Chinese, Indian and the Greek.  After centuries of splendid isolation, there seems to be now a cross-cultural wind blowing. There is a growing realization that in our contemporary cross-cultural human situation, no single culture, religion, discipline or world-view is sufficient even to face – let alone solve – any of our human problems single handedly.

We witness more concretely, for example, the interdisciplinary mood that is emerging in the academic arena.  No more biology and chemistry in splendid isolation, we have now biochemistry. Similarly, biophysics, exenomics, ecophilosophy, bioinformatics, genetic engineering, and the list is endless, which indeed  give witness to the fact that no single discipline is sufficient to capture the mystery of life all by itself, and that the universal range of human experience cannot be reduced to a single human phylum, however ancient, modern or alluring it may be.

And yet, we find ourselves still in a paradoxical human situation with an equally powerful tendency towards a radical divisiveness, fanaticism and absolutism of all sorts, with the destructive monomorphic attitude: Truth is ONE, and I ALONE have it. The manifestation of this monomorphic tendency seems to range from the slogans of “one truth,” “one God,” “one empire,” or “one king,” in times past, to the more contemporary slogans of “one culture,” “one religion,” “one race,” “one language,” “one ideology,” “one party,”  “one science,” “one democracy,” “one world market,” or “one technological civilization.”  What ultimately this implies is unity is uniformity and a homogenization of life and experience.

Sharers of this paradoxical situation and also the common global garden, the challenge and task before us,  individually and collectively, is to minimize our experiences and  practices of absolutisms, exclusions and fanaticisms of all sorts, and maximize and prioritize values of mutual learning and enrichment. “Unity in diversity” has been so much stressed and inculcated in the past. Our times indeed equally demand a discernment of “diversity in unity” with a greater spirit of openness and receptivity to “not in spite of differences, but because of differences.”  After all, it’s only in receiving, conceiving can take place!

The Mentor Speaks…

“Towards a Rainbow World”… 

It’s my joy and privilege to be part of this Sophia (Philosophy) blog.

Philosophy is not an experiment, it’s an experience. But experiences have to be shared, and if they aren’t, they will indeed become nightmares!  It is in sharing them, the dreams, aspirations, ideas and ideals can be expressed, complemented, and connected.

It is in this co-nurturing spirit, I gladly invite the budding youth of the Sophia club to freely, creatively and responsibly share their philosophical musings through this blog. 

A word again about philosophy is in order here. 

Humans have the privilege of walking on earth under the sky.  Philosophy, as not only “love of wisdom,” but also “wisdom of love,” endeavors to assist the humans to participate in this walk integrally, lovingly and joyfully. 

In our contemporary pluralistic human situation, in a special way, the Sophia club of MUJ strives to inspire in its members and in others a much needed interdisciplinary and intercultural orientation in this journey.  

Let the musings be directed towards an enlightened, loving and healing involvement with the self, nature and society in an interdisciplinary and intercultural spirit, contributing thus to the creation of a RAINBOW WORLD!

Dr. Anthony Savari Raj
Faculty Coordinator, SOPHIA CLUB
Associate Professor of Philosophy &
Head, Department of Arts
Manipal University Jaipur.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Introduction and Welcome to the Club

Welcome to SOPHIA "Philosophy" Club of Manipal University Jaipur. The club proposes to instill and integrate humanistic/philosophical perspective in the technological and other pursuits of MUJ students through SOPHIA Study circles, dialogues and other activities. A common platform for all students to exchange intellectual ideas and thoughts. The club came into existence from 30th of April,2015 and has been organising various activities including study circles, dialogue sessions, debates, analytical sessions, Invited talks and lectures, trips etc.  You can join the club by filling up the form URL: