Thursday, 25 February 2016

The Mentor Speaks…

“Towards a Rainbow World”… 

It’s my joy and privilege to be part of this Sophia (Philosophy) blog.

Philosophy is not an experiment, it’s an experience. But experiences have to be shared, and if they aren’t, they will indeed become nightmares!  It is in sharing them, the dreams, aspirations, ideas and ideals can be expressed, complemented, and connected.

It is in this co-nurturing spirit, I gladly invite the budding youth of the Sophia club to freely, creatively and responsibly share their philosophical musings through this blog. 

A word again about philosophy is in order here. 

Humans have the privilege of walking on earth under the sky.  Philosophy, as not only “love of wisdom,” but also “wisdom of love,” endeavors to assist the humans to participate in this walk integrally, lovingly and joyfully. 

In our contemporary pluralistic human situation, in a special way, the Sophia club of MUJ strives to inspire in its members and in others a much needed interdisciplinary and intercultural orientation in this journey.  

Let the musings be directed towards an enlightened, loving and healing involvement with the self, nature and society in an interdisciplinary and intercultural spirit, contributing thus to the creation of a RAINBOW WORLD!

Dr. Anthony Savari Raj
Faculty Coordinator, SOPHIA CLUB
Associate Professor of Philosophy &
Head, Department of Arts
Manipal University Jaipur.

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