Sunday, 6 March 2016

Social Reconstruction and genetic roots of past

-Akash Dayal, President
The chemical can be utilised for its intrinsic nature until its is diluted and once it gets diluted either one way out is to re-synthesise it or seek out a suitable compound for its further utilisation or else its own new property may not remain that beneficiary. I see social social re-construction of any society seeing better future in the same way, the demand of time is to either adapt with what goes around show a great flexibility or stand on your own pillars, as strong as you can withstand any storm or turbulence. Both needs effort and the people who build the society to decide which way to go, as both will need collective conscience and total involvement of every citizen for the dream and wish to stand and do something good for the world which he contains within and the the world which contains him.

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