December 26-27, 2016
Manipal University
Jaipur (MUJ)
Organized by Department of Arts (Philosophy), MUJ,
in collaboration with CRVP, Washington DC, USA
A two-day National Seminar on “Re-learning to be Human for Global
Times: The Cross-cultural Way,” was held at Manipal University Jaipur, during
26-27 December 2016. The Seminar was
sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi, and
was organized by Organized by Department of Arts (Philosophy), MUJ, Jaipur, in association
with Centre for Research in Values and Philosophy (CRVP), Washington DC,
USA. The seminar was attended by eminent
scholars from India and abroad and was inaugurated by Respected Prof. S.R.
Bhat, Chairman, ICPR, New Delhi.

The Seminar unfolded with an Inaugural Function, a Valedictory Function
and five Technical Sessions in all, over the course of two days. The Inaugural Session
was marked by the gracious presence of Prof. S.R. Bhat who was the Chief Guest
and delivered the Inaugural Address. The Key Note Address was delivered by
Prof. Anthony Carroll, of University of London.
He titled his presentation as “Panentheistic Humanism: The
Cross-Cultural Way.” The Presidential address was delivered by Prof. Sandeep
Sancheti, President, Manipal University Jaipur, after which the proceedings of
the National Seminar was launched. The Theme Note was presented by Prof.
Anthony Savari Raj, Convener of the Seminar and the Vote of Thanks was proposed
by Prof. Joao Vila-Cha, Professor of Philosophy, Gregorian University, Rome.

A total of 17 papers were presented in the course of two days and in
five technical sessions. The first technical session was chaired by Prof.
Sharada Jain, and three papers that were presented in the session centred
around the theme: “Cross-Cultural
Humanity.” There were two technical
sessions after Lunch. The first was
chaired by Prof. R.C. Pradhan, Former Member-Secretary, ICPR, and Retd.
Professor of Philosophy, University of Hyderabad. Two papers were presented during this session
and the theme was “Cross-Cultural
Foundations.” The session that
followed had the theme: “Cross-Cultural
Pathways,” and was chaired by Prof. R.S. Bhatnagar, Retd. Professor,
University of Rajasthan. Three papers
were presented during this session. The
session also witnessed the release of the book: Why be Moral? authored by one
of the participants of the seminar, Dr. Saral Jhingran from New Delhi. The book was released by Prof. R.S.
The proceedings of the second day commenced with a recapitulation of
the proceedings of the first day. The
day witnessed two technical sessions and a Valedictory Function in the
afternoon. The first session had the
theme: “Cross-Cultural Orientations,”
and was chaired by Prof. KL Sharma, Retd. Professor of Philosophy, University
of Rajasthan. Around this theme, three
papers were presented. The session that
followed was chaired by Prof. Pradeep Kumar Sinha of Ranchi University and
three more papers were presented during this session. It had the general theme:
“Cross-Cultural Values.”
The valedictory session of the seminar was chaired by Prof. Sandeep
Sancheti, President MUJ, and the valedictory address was given by Prof. Thomas
Menamparampil. He addressed the theme:
“Re-learning to be Human for Global Times:
The Cross-Cultural Way.”
Being a National Seminar, the seminar had participation of eminent
scholars of cross-cultural studies from different parts of the country such as
New Delhi, Bombay, Indore, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Lucknow, Gauhati, and so on. It also attracted scholars from different
parts of Rajasthan, besides the philosophy faculty from in and around
Jaipur. The valuable presence of Prof.
Kusum Jain, Member, ICPR, and Retd. Professor of Philosophy, University of
Rajasthan, was an appreciable one.
The seminar offered a
wonderful moment to recall and appreciate the life and scholarship of late
Prof. George McLean who indeed had devoted his entire life and scholarship
towards the collaboration of cultures, and in whose precious name the CRVP
scholars had gathered for the Seminar from different parts of the world. A
profound gratitude is offered to ICPR for making the seminar possible through
its generous sponsorship.
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