Sunday, 10 September 2017

Lecture on "Introduction to Philosophy & Metaphysics" By Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha

- Aujas Sohal

 Sophia, the philosophy club of Manipal University Jaipur had organized the first lecture of the academic year 2017-18 on the topic “Introduction to Philosophy and Metaphysics”, attended by the members who were curious as to what philosophy was actually about. The speaker for the lecture was Dr. P.K. Sinha, Professor of Philosophy, who had come for this guest lecture from Ranchi.
Dr. Anthony sir, Professor of Philosophy and HOD of Dept. of Arts, welcomed our guest lecturer and presented him a bouquet & gift. He then welcomed everyone with his motto, ‘The shortest distance between two hearts passes through the stars’ making us all feel comfortable.

The lecture started with a simple question, ‘What is philosophy?’ love for wisdom, theory of knowledge and gaining absolute knowledge. He then explained us the concept of knowledge as a whole and the true meaning of absolute knowledge, which we could only come to understand by realization and developing our faith. He then introduced us to the concepts of Indian philosophy, which could further be divided into two parts Astik (Belief in Vedas) and Nastik (Non – Belief in Vedas). The three schools of Indian philosophy, Charvak, Buddhist and Jain were Nastiks and the rest 6 (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and Vedanta) were Astiks. There are various ways to gain wisdom; through perception, words, inference and many more. All the schools of Indian philosophy are said to follow various kinds, only Charvak School of philosophy is said to believe that the only valid source of knowledge is perception. Quoting the honored lecturer himself, “Wisdom is absolute. Trying to understand the smallest things will ultimately help us in understanding the bigger things in life.”

Dr. P.K. Sinha then introduced to us the three branches of philosophy: Epistemology (The theory of knowledge), Metaphysics (The study of elements) and Ethics (How to live in the human society). He then explained to us that all three parts of philosophy correlated to one another, giving us the example that metaphysics of various schools was based upon the knowledge gained from epistemology of the same school. He then elaborated on the topic Metaphysics. Element is the smallest part from which everything else is created. Indian Philosophy believes in 5 elements, Sky, Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Every school of Indian philosophy believes in all 5 elements, except Charvak, as they only believe in gaining knowledge through perception because sky cannot be perceived. He further continued with the relation between the five elements, their five qualities and our five sense organs. Then the questions that rose were, ‘What is the nature of elements?’ and ‘How many number of elements there actually are?’ He answered the questions in order by introducing the notion that we consider elements to be conscious, non – conscious, both or neither. That gives rise to different theories such as Theory of Materialism, Theory of Monolism, Theory of Duality and Theory of Pluralism.The elements are believed to be different in number, as each person has their own concept, some say that there exists only one element, others say that it is 2 as a single element cannot make up everything and some say infinite just as the number of things in the universe. He concluded this topic with the line that, ‘Without metaphysics, philosophy as a whole becomes boneless and does not possess any structure’
Wisdom is non material, and is a truth which does not change unlike knowledge which changes with every new discovery that is made. True wisdom can be only be gained through self realization; using the right faith, right knowledge and right determination.
After the lecture was concluded, many curious students led the interactive Q&A session. After which members of the Sophia Club gave a vote of thanks for his time and the knowledge he imparted to us.
All the new comers were now intrigued as they started to understand the concept of philosophy and their minds more curious as to what lay ahead.

Saturday, 9 September 2017


An open general body meeting was conducted by Sophia Club on 2nd September, 2017. The meeting was addressed by the vice president, Sadvansha Munshi, who welcomed the affirmed professor, and Sophia Club's faculty coordinator, Dr. Anthony S. Raj sir and all the new comers. She started with a small introduction that philosophy is an attempt to understand life better through our walks of life. She also explained the importance of philosophy and how it is a very influential subject. Philosophy has contributions in many subjects, such as Science, Maths, Literature, Sociology, and many more.
Apart from that, all the office bearers were formally introduced to the members.
Later, the President of the club, Aparna Singh, stood proud and gave a small presentation about the activities which were held throughout the year. She also cleared the doubts and queries of the members.

Afterwards, Dr. Anthony sir gave a small introductory lecture on Techno-culture. He explained the affects of technology and screen-culture on our thought processes. His speech of full of hard hitting reality and realizations.
The end of the first General Body Meeting of the year 2017 was announced by the president while she thanked all the OCs and the CCs for their hard work and inputs in making the meeting a success.