Saturday, 9 September 2017


An open general body meeting was conducted by Sophia Club on 2nd September, 2017. The meeting was addressed by the vice president, Sadvansha Munshi, who welcomed the affirmed professor, and Sophia Club's faculty coordinator, Dr. Anthony S. Raj sir and all the new comers. She started with a small introduction that philosophy is an attempt to understand life better through our walks of life. She also explained the importance of philosophy and how it is a very influential subject. Philosophy has contributions in many subjects, such as Science, Maths, Literature, Sociology, and many more.
Apart from that, all the office bearers were formally introduced to the members.
Later, the President of the club, Aparna Singh, stood proud and gave a small presentation about the activities which were held throughout the year. She also cleared the doubts and queries of the members.

Afterwards, Dr. Anthony sir gave a small introductory lecture on Techno-culture. He explained the affects of technology and screen-culture on our thought processes. His speech of full of hard hitting reality and realizations.
The end of the first General Body Meeting of the year 2017 was announced by the president while she thanked all the OCs and the CCs for their hard work and inputs in making the meeting a success.

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